Leveraging Leadership

with Amy Burkett

Eliminating Mind Monsters: Shifting Your Mindset for Success courageous leadership leadership advice mindset shifting mindset tips mindshift success tips Sep 07, 2024

I have a leadership bias against negativity.  There I said it. It’s out in the open.  I work hard to always see the glass half full no matter what happens.  HOWEVER, I’m...

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Five Focus Strategies for Greater Success courageous leadership encouragement for leaders focus strategies high road leadership leadership leadership advice leadership lessons success advice Sep 02, 2024

In leadership, it’s not the good times that define us, but how we handle the challenges. And we all know there are plenty of challenges.  Difficult times test our character, resilience,...

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Olympic Leadership Lessons: Strategies for Success advice courageous leadership intentional living leadership leadership advice leveraging leadership Aug 09, 2024

Olympic Inspiration: Running Towards Leadership Excellence

In the world of athletics, the Olympic Games stand as a pinnacle of human achievement, embodying dedication, perseverance, and the pursuit...

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Overcoming Insecurity: Proven Strategies for Effective Leadership accountability career goals confidence courageous leadership fear leadership overcoming insecurity Aug 03, 2024

Leadership comes with its share of challenges, and feelings of insecurity can be a significant hurdle.  Now before you shrug this off because you’re a confident person today, give this...

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Correcting Leadership Blind Spots courageous leadership growth mindset leadership leadership advice leadership blind spots personal growth Jul 26, 2024

I think one of the greatest improvements to cars is the blind spot detection sensor, second only to the backup camera.  The blind spot detection sensor makes drivers aware if another driver is...

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Conquer Imposter Syndrome accountability courageous leadership growth growth mindset imposter syndrome leadership leadership advice personal growth Jun 16, 2024

This week I was working with a team member to help him get to the next level when he said, “I struggle with imposter syndrome.” I knew I had to do some research to help him and...

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What's Inside You? Untapped Potential accountability advice better communication career goals career help career navigation change coaching commitment courageous leadership decision making habits leadership advice leadership lessons next level leadership personal growth Jun 09, 2024

In researching for today’s blog, I discovered a new leadership expert whose YouTube videos spoke to my heart, and I hope what I share will reignite something in YOU.  


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Decisive Brilliance: 8 Expert Tips for Making Better Decisions courageous leadership decision making leadership Jun 02, 2024

Decision-making is at the heart of leadership. The choices you make, make YOU.  You can propel your organization forward or steer it off course. To help you hone your decision-making skills,...

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Supercharge Your Innovation: 10 Strategies to Transform Your Process courageous leadership growth mindset innovation leadership next level leadership personal growth strategic planning May 19, 2024

In our fast-paced world, innovation is the lifeblood that keeps organizations competitive and relevant. However, fostering a culture of innovation and refining the processes that drive it...

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Visionary Leadership: Illuminating the Path to Success courageous leadership leadership advice leadership lessons visionary leadership May 05, 2024

When it comes to leadership, the ability to create, share, and execute a compelling vision is paramount to success. A leader's vision serves as the guiding light, inspiring and motivating team...

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4 Tips to Turbocharge Your Day accountability courageous leadership leadership advice leadership lessons leveraging leadership Apr 21, 2024

Each of us only has 86,400 seconds in our day.  Why is it that some people’s outcomes seem like they’ve got twice as much time?  It’s because they’ve learned the...

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Stop Waiting for Easy: Accept the Hard accountability advice courageous leadership leadership advice problem solving Mar 24, 2024

Here’s a newsflash, “being a leader is hard.”  Ok, you probably already knew that.  Leadership is often romanticized as a journey of triumphs and successes, but seasoned...

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