Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
Jul 16, 2023
I think communication is the most underrated leadership skill that delivers the greatest results. Leaders often focus on strategic thinking, innovation and action. All important things but without excellent communication that allows us to connect to people, we’ll likely underachieve.
A recent Gallup survey shows, the best leaders communicate often and clearly. But it doesn’t tell us HOW to do that. I think we take communication for granted because we see it as talking and we can ALL do that, but most of us don’t do it effectively. Research shows COVID had a negative impact on communication.
Today I’ve got three tips to help you develop a communication style that allows you to connect from New York Times Bestselling Author John Maxwell’s book, “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect.
Principle #1: Connecting increases your influence in every situation.
Here are a few ways you can connect with your team. Go the extra mile. Give off positive energy. People’s emotional batteries are charged by being together. Give unsolicited appreciation. Demonstrate trust. Connect on an emotional level and demonstrate unconditional love: accepting without reservation.
Principle #2: Connecting is all about others, not us.
First, let’s deal with the elephant in the room. Why do we focus on ourselves instead of others? Maxwell believes there are three main causes for this, immaturity, failure to value everyone and ego. Here’s how you can master this principle. Show you care for others. Prove to them that they can trust you and help them.
Principle #3: Connecting goes beyond words.
You probably aren’t surprised to learn that 90 percent of the impression we often convey has nothing to do with what we actually say. Only seven percent of the impression we make on others has to do with the words we speak. Thirty-eight percent has to do with the way we say it and 55 percent is how others interpret what we say. So, what we need to do is connect visually, intellectually and emotionally EVERY time we speak.
I know it’s not easy to do, but the results are worth the effort. Our teams will flourish. Our companies will grow and our joy for our jobs will expand, which gives us more energy to make a greater impact.